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Be Washington | George Washington's Mount Vernon

Oct 18, 2024

Be Washington is a first-person, fifteen minute interactive leadership experience. Come face to face with challenges that George Washington confronted as commander in chief or president in four key scenarios. Host a game and control the pace of individuals, or play as a single player. This game is COPPA compliant.

View the one-minute trailer to find out more about Be Washington, an interactive leadership experience.

Click the link to play BeWashington

Want to watch a specific advisor or situation? Click the link to access videos of the BeWashington Gameplay.

Want to hear what the advisors in Be Washington have to say? Click the link to read (and watch!) their perspectives. Or, read more about each situation at the links below.

The 1777 Battle of Second Trenton was a turning point in the Revolutionary War. Washington needed to determine if he was going to boldly face the British, or if he was going to retreat with his troops to avoid another costly battle with Cornwallis.

The 1783 Newburgh Conspiracy almost threatened the Confederation Congress. Washington needed to decide what to do with the Continental Army officers challenging his authority, and how to save the newly formed United States of America.

The 1793 Genet Affair threatened the United State's peace with Britain and France. Washington had to decide how to navigate an intense diplomatic situation while maintaining a fragile new country.

The 1794 Whiskey Rebellion threatened the unity of the new country. Washington struggled with containing the rebels and controlling the country's debts.

Many of Washington's actions live on today. Click the link to access short videos from celebrities like Maya Hawke and Harrison Ford that explain Washington's relevance.

Click the link to access inquiry questions, graphic organizers, lesson plans, and much more to help teach Be Washington!

This page contains helpful instructions, a speed test, and links to app downloads

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